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  1. Internal & External Painting and repairs to toilet block of Sai Dharmashala buildings at Nimgaon-Korhale for Shri Sai Baba Sansthan Trust Shirdi

    Tender Document:  construction12092023.pdf Tender Date:  Tuesday, September 12, 2023 Tender type:  E-Tender Department:  Construction Dept. Tender End Date:  ...

  2. Shri Saibaba Prasadalaya

    Shri Sai Prasadalya Shirdi Sai Prasadalaya has grabbed national and ... are spent carrying out this feast for the devotees of Sai Baba, who come from all around the world to have a glimpse of his divine land. ...

  3. Proposed Interior Work, Indoor & Outdoor Sport Field, HVAC Work and Miscellaneous Civil & Electrical Work Of “Sai Baba Educational Campus” At Gat No.: 183, Nimgaon Korhale, Tal.: Rahata, Dist.: Ahmednagar for Shri Sai Baba Sansthan Trust Shirdi.

    Tender Document:  HAVC.pdf Tender Date:  Saturday, September 16, 2023 Tender type:  E-Tender Department:  Construction Dept. Tender End Date:  Tuesday, October 10,...

  4. Shri Saibaba Jr. and Sr. College

    ​​ Shri Sai Baba College was established in the year 2018 in Sai Centenary year. At ... classes from April 2023 which will be helpful to student of Shirdi and nearby villages.   ...

  5. notice inviting quotation for providing and laying pipeline for rainwater in open space in front of Shri Sai baba hospital Shirdi

    Tender Document:  Rain Water Pipe line Work Qtn22112021.pdf Tender Date:  Monday, November 22, 2021 Tender type:  Quotation Department:  Construction Dept. Tender End...